
Apr 18, 2025

Noordwaard after depoldering. [Robbert de Koning landschape architect BNT]. Cited in Yarina, Lizzie. “This River Is a Model.” Places Journal, February 13, 2024.


Thinking territorially centers design’s ethical commitments to nature and future generations. Territorial design invites engagement with a variety of built and unbuilt environments in response to the multi-scalar, multifaceted challenges of climate change—spanning urban hinterlands, rural villages, jungles, deserts, and oceans. While disrupting the rural-urban and nature-human divides, territorial design also challenges the disciplinary boundaries between architecture, landscape and urban design.

This design roundtable convenes four researchers, designers, and educators working across rural and urban contexts in different parts of the world—from Massachusetts to the Mekong Delta. The first part of the event discusses research. In the face of climate change’s complexity, uncertainty, and immense scale, what role does design play? How can designers define and scope their work to remain both manageable and impactful? The second part shifts to design pedagogy, examining how research and teaching influence one another. Student projects from the speakers’ courses will be exhibited during the event.


  • Kira Clingen, 2024-2025 Daniel Urban Kiley Fellow and Lecturer in Landscape Architecture, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
  • Ettore Santi, Assistant Professor with a joint appointment in the School of Architecture and in the Department of Cultures, Societies, and Global Studies, Northeastern University
  • Lizzie Yarina, Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture with affiliate appointments in the School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs and Global Asian Studies, Northeastern University
  • Min Yeo, Design Critic in Landscape Architecture and Doctor of Design candidate, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
  • Chen Chu, PhD candidate, MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning; 2023 MAD Design Fellow; Moderator


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    April 18, 2025 10–11:30am

    MIT Building 7-429 (Long Lounge)
    Cambridge, MA
